Section I, gas-operated non-blowback (NBB) replicas:
A. Gas NBB Revolvers –
1. KWC Colt Python, 6-inch model. (Fixed Hop)
This item was equipped with an one-inch diameter objective BSA electronic red-dot sight mounted via integral rings to a B-Square real-steel use Colt Python, 6" length scope mount base. The sight brightness rheostat was placed on setting 2 out of a possible 8.
Shots were taken in single-action only. Rapid recocking between shots; shots, however were deliberately aimed.
All shots grouped within a 1.7 inch diameter circle with no apparent outliers.
As subsequent shots were taken and cool-down/shoot-down noted (the shot-numbers are noted on the target proof), you can see the shots dropping to down along the vertical axis, with the final shot pulled right, which was likely improper pull on my part.
2. Marushin Taurus Raging Bull Model 444 8mm MAXI, 8.375-inch model.
This item was equipped with a Tasco PDP5 30mm objective lens electronic red-dot sight mounted to the replica using a set of twin Custom Scope Mounts brand 30mm scope rings paired with a genuine Taurus Raging Bull 8.375-inch length, model-specific, scope mount. The sight brightness rheostat was placed on a setting of 1 out of a possible 11.
All shots were taken again in single-action only. Rapid recocking between shots; shots, however were deliberately aimed.
All shots grouped within a 2.5 inch diameter circle with no apparent outliers.
Objectively, even using high-powered "Green Gas," of which the Marushin Raging Bull is not capable of tolerating under extended-use circumstances in either BB-IPSC competition or for skirmish-gaming purposes, the velocity/energy equation simply isn’t enough to offset the inherent instability of the larger BB used. Objectively, thanks to the consistent gas-evolution system, there was no apparent shoot-down as seen before with the KWC. However, as often predicted by myself and other gas-pistol enthusiasts, the consistency advantage is unfortunately insufficient to offset the larger-BB deficit.
Subjectively, despite my best attempts to use a high-quality red-dot sight (the Tasco PDP 2 retails for around $100 here in the US), the shoddy trigger action with lack of distinct let-off as well as with very high pull effort even on single-action makes accuracy and consistency quite difficult.
3. Tanaka Works Smith&Wesson Performance Center M29 Flatside, 3-inch barrel length model. (Hop "skirmish" optimized)
All shots were taken again in single-action only. Rapid recocking between shots; shots, however were deliberately aimed.
All shots were within a 1.80 inch diameter grouping.
If the noted outlier is discarded, the grouping in the upper right hand quadrant of the center-of-mass target is 1.10 inch diameter grouping. The outlier again is in low and to the right of the main shot grouping, likely again as a result of my error in pulling the shot……
The objective power delivery consistency and subjectively excellent single-action trigger break is reflected by the excellent grouping. Despite having the shortest barrel length, the short sight radius, and apparent lack of an electronic sighting aid the Tanaka nevertheless did much better in terms of overall performance.
B. Gas NBB Sub-Compact –
1. Marushin Derringer SSB, 6mm model. (Fixed Hop)
Shots were taken in single-action only. Rapid recocking between shots; shots, however were deliberately aimed. This is, of course, the only way in which this replica can be fired…..
All shots were within a 4.00 inch diameter grouping.
Discarding the outlier, the shot grouping goes down to a respectable 1.65 inch diameter.
Shot order (especially noted) shows outlier to be last of the 6 shots, likely a sub-conscious over-compensation error of sighting on my part.
Subjectively, the ultra-abbreviated frame and ultra-short sighting radius – which itself is further handicapped by an inordinately and uselessly large front sight post paired with a too-small rear notch – created a system where aiming accurately was nearly impossible.
As I’ve suggested to others before, although this item can hit a standard 12-ounce US-type aluminum soft-drink can at distances up to 40 ft., it’s something that’s likely going to take the entire 8-round internal magazine to do, and will likely be a rather lucky shot at that. Save this piece for "last resort" use at close-range.